Project Sunshine
Yo ppl, I am posting this to ensure that some of my nice games evetually get played. I termed it the 'Sunshine project', akin the the yellow ribbon project in which we give ex-offenders in Sg a chance.
Some of these games are fantastic in terms of theme or its entertainment value, but i am afraid my favourite games like Puerto rico and power grid has taken up much of my gaming sessions that i need to air these games out here. Msg me wat you like and i can arrange a compromising opportunity during one of our gaming sessions to try it out! yeah! These games are as follows:
Games not played before
Long/Heavy Strategy Games
1. Diplomacy
2. Fredrich
3. War of the Ring
Mid-weight Strategy games
1. Tikal
2. Khronos
3. Oasis
4. Lord of the Rings - The Confrontation
5. Battleline
Gateway/Family games
1. Owner's Choice
2. Inkognito
3. Ticket to Ride - Marklin Edition
4. Tichu
5. Nexus Ops
6. Thebes
Easy/Light games
1. Ave Caeser
2. Killer Bunnies (my 26th birthday present)
3. King Arthur
Games played less than 3 times
Long/ Heavy Strategy Games
1. Twilight Imperium
2. Die Macher
3. Descent: Journeys into the Dark
4. Tide of Iron
Mid-weight Strategy Games
1. El Grande
2. Heroscape - Marvel Universe
3. Keythedral
4. Dungeon Twister
5. Dvonn
6. Space Dealer
7. Modern Art
8. Container
Gateway/ Family games
1. Burg Appenzell
2. Munchkin
3. Blue Moon City
4. Cosmic Encounter
5. Mall of Horror
6. Talisman
7. Quo Vadis
8. Altamira
9. Caylus Magna Carta
As you can see, some of these games are really classics to start with. While others serve a specfic niche, like humor la, abstract la, negiotiation etc. You might get emotionally attached to some of these games.
Lastly, this thread can be a place u post your own games too! I am leaving these titles here until they get played enough, meanwhile new games might go into these lists too.
Three cheers for 'Project Sunshine' : Hip Hip HoRRay! Hip Hip HoRRay! Hip Hip HoRRay!
Yo ppl, I am posting this to ensure that some of my nice games evetually get played. I termed it the 'Sunshine project', akin the the yellow ribbon project in which we give ex-offenders in Sg a chance.
Some of these games are fantastic in terms of theme or its entertainment value, but i am afraid my favourite games like Puerto rico and power grid has taken up much of my gaming sessions that i need to air these games out here. Msg me wat you like and i can arrange a compromising opportunity during one of our gaming sessions to try it out! yeah! These games are as follows:
Games not played before
Long/Heavy Strategy Games
1. Diplomacy
2. Fredrich
3. War of the Ring
Mid-weight Strategy games
1. Tikal
2. Khronos
3. Oasis
4. Lord of the Rings - The Confrontation
5. Battleline
Gateway/Family games
1. Owner's Choice
2. Inkognito
3. Ticket to Ride - Marklin Edition
4. Tichu
5. Nexus Ops
6. Thebes
Easy/Light games
1. Ave Caeser
2. Killer Bunnies (my 26th birthday present)
3. King Arthur
Games played less than 3 times
Long/ Heavy Strategy Games
1. Twilight Imperium
2. Die Macher
3. Descent: Journeys into the Dark
4. Tide of Iron
Mid-weight Strategy Games
1. El Grande
2. Heroscape - Marvel Universe
3. Keythedral
4. Dungeon Twister
5. Dvonn
6. Space Dealer
7. Modern Art
8. Container
Gateway/ Family games
1. Burg Appenzell
2. Munchkin
3. Blue Moon City
4. Cosmic Encounter
5. Mall of Horror
6. Talisman
7. Quo Vadis
8. Altamira
9. Caylus Magna Carta
As you can see, some of these games are really classics to start with. While others serve a specfic niche, like humor la, abstract la, negiotiation etc. You might get emotionally attached to some of these games.
Lastly, this thread can be a place u post your own games too! I am leaving these titles here until they get played enough, meanwhile new games might go into these lists too.
Three cheers for 'Project Sunshine' : Hip Hip HoRRay! Hip Hip HoRRay! Hip Hip HoRRay!
Last edited by Sweetslut on Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:23 am; edited 3 times in total